Fringe - A Cool Sci-Fi TV Series from Fox

For all of you who aren’t in on the latest TV news, FOX had aired a sci-fi television program last year (and will air its season finale this May 12) that wreaked havoc in ratings in the US. The show is called Fringe. If you watched and got frustrated with Lost, J.J. Abrams assures you that this TV series is far from “WTF just happened?!”

Fringe is a show based on an FBI agent’s startling discoveries about phenomena relating to pseudo-science or fringe science. Fringe science is actually unexplainable events occurring throughout the world as we speak. Telepathy, Psychokinesis, Reanimation, and Teleportation are just some of the weird incidences they tackle here, and as the story progresses, they creepier the viewing experience. I’m sure everyone will like it as I did.

And no, guys – it’s not a rip-off from Supernatural or Eureka. This is definitely a worthwhile watch, and there’s no strict continuity in the plot. All episodes are more or less independent of the previous ones.

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