PSP-3000 Celebrates 7 Months of UNHACKABILITY

The PSP-3000 development team and Sony itself kept true to their statements of the PSP being an “unhackable device.” As of April 2008 (7 months after the pilot models were released), efforts to exploit the vulnerability of the PSP’s board and system have all failed, much to the glee of the entertainment company.  The homebrew community is still finding ways to outsmart to so-called “unhackable device.”

Notoriously popular in the PSP Homebrew Community are hackers/exploiters MaTiaZ and Dark-AleX, devising ways for homebrew and legacy games to bypass the PSP-3000’s system. In the meantime, rumors and hoaxes of firmware hacks have fluttered across the internet, but none of them spiteful enough to really crack the PSP’s system. The only thing left to do right now if you own one is buy a UMD, which costs roughly around Php 2000. 

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